| Anger, negative thinking and stress are considered destructive factors for the health of heart and body, So Islam orders us to stay away and avoid them … |
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wasn’t be angry to any life matters. His satisfaction and anger were for Allah .He, therefore, was the happiest and the most stable and tranquility person, and gave us the best examples of this.
It's rarely for the Messenger of Allah to spend a day without facing events of anger and emotion and stress but we did not know he was angry except when someone exceed the limits of Allah. The Prophet deals with any problem calmly and patiently. This is what makes people entering the religion of Allah in crowds. Therefore, God praise him in the Holy Quran: "And you on an exalted standard of character"(Al-Qalam:4).
Recent scientific studies have shown that psychological tension, stress and anger are considered destructive factors to human health and heart and it may lead to serious diseases like cancer!
Researchers believe that, despite the fact that exercise and good diet and other factors which have vital importance to heart health, the social factors, happiness, a sense of satisfaction and perfection and work towards a goal in life have an impact in their turn.
The Prophet ordered his companions to repeat important words that express satisfaction, in mornings and evenings. This is:
"I declare to Accept Allah as my Lord, to accept Islam as a religion and to Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger" Who say it ten times in the morning and evening, it will be really on God to reward him in the Day of Resurrection.
The researchers maintain that satisfaction is one of the most important remedies for any mental illness. Most mental disorders results from dissatisfaction, Anger is at the head of factors that are detrimental to humans, it causes sudden death, stroke and myocardial infarction and blood pressure.
Stress affects the physical and mental health
U.S. research has revealed that stress and psychological pressures faced by individuals on a daily basis can cause some types of cancer. While a similar European study found that stress is harmful to heart health. The study carried out by researchers from the American University "Yale," that psychological stress may stimulate the daily growth of tumors, And that any shock, emotional or physical, Can serve as a "corridor" between cancerous mutations which eventually lead to serious tumors.
The results of the study published in the Nature journal showed That the necessary conditions for this disease can be affected by emotional environment including all the daily tasks that we undertake, whether at work or in the family. Tian Xu, a specialist Professor in genetics from Yale University Says: "There are a lot of different circumstances can lead to stress. And reduce or avoid the circumstances that cause it, are always a good advice... ". European study addressed another aspect of the stress, The British research has shown a negative effect on the heart and the disease which may be caused by stress .This study confirms scientifically, the prevailing belief since ancient times being linked to heart attacks.
All participants were subjected to stress tests, and then the levels of the hormone cortisol were measured. It is a primary stress hormone produced by the body when exposed to psychological pressure or physical, and lead in the event of release to narrowing of the arteries. The researchers observed that participants who were injured by the stress tests were the most vulnerable, by weakness, in which lack of sufficient arterial injury for those who kept calm.