
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Feast for Clothes

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The worst of food is the food at the wedding feast from which one who comes is turned away, and he who refuses it is invited.” [Muslim]

Once upon a time in the city of Shiraz there lived a famous poet, Sheikh Saadi. Like most other poets, Sheikh Saadi was not a rich man. He led a very simple life. A rich merchant of Shiraz invited Sheikh Saadi along with a lot of other big businessmen of the town to his daughter's marriage which was to be a grand affair. Sheikh Saadi accepted the invitation and decided to attend.

On the day of the wedding, the host and his family were receiving the guests at the gate. They were ushering them towards the dining hall. All the rich people of the town had come, in their best attires. Sheikh Saadi had simple clothes on which were neither grand nor expensive. He waited in a corner for someone to approach him but no one gave him as much as a second glance. Even the host did not acknowledge him and looked away.

Top 10 Most Precocious Children

I love my kids. I think they’re great. They can do some stuff, like counting to 20 and waving bye-bye. But that’s nothing compared to some kids – there are children out there who can recite the Qur’an, or win Olympic medals when they’re still in high school. This kind of success doesn’t come easily, and behind every outstanding child, there tends to be a pushy parent. And in front of every outstanding child there tends to be a difficult adulthood. So, who can blame those pushy parents for shoving their children into the spotlight before they turn into rebellious adults? Find out which tots and teens are currently enjoying their moment in the sun in our Top 10 Most Precocious Children.

10. Suri Cruise

Let’s start with the most high-profile 7-year-old in the fashion world. Born to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, she was famous at first for never being seen in public, so protective was Cruise over the baby. How things have changed – not only is Suri regularly snapped in public, in a number of on-trend outfits, but she is now launching her own fashion range.. At the age of 7, yes.

It’s not impossible that the fashion range is a result of her famous parentage, rather than her childrenswear expertise, but it’s said that she has a good eye for design and has been sketching out ideas. There may also be a stylist involved in the project somewhere. But, at an age where most girls are still traipsing around in their mother’s high heels, Suri is making money from fashion. Remarkable, hey?

Monday, November 11, 2013

You look at me and call me oppressed,

You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,

You know me not for what is inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,

My body is not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mould,

I'm an individual. I'm no man's slave,
It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,

I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,

"O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk".

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Women Can Work Out Too!

The first image that comes to mind when questioned about women weight lifting is a big, hulky, muscular, frown-faced, intimidating person, according to some female students at EdCC.

Almost all of the students interviewed believe that women should not weight lift, in order to retain their feminine figure, and that those who do will end up extremely buff. Most women's fears, according to Janet Guenther, P.E. teacher at EdCC and ex-bodybuilder, are that they will lose their femininity with increased muscle mass.

However the image of a woman if she works out is misconstrued. Guenther has said that there's a certain limit for women to increase their muscle mass compared to a guy.

A woman's body won't be able to increase muscle mass to the point of becoming a big and hulky person that most people imagine when it comes to a female weight lifting.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Life Spicy

Ups and downs make our life spicy
To keep on laughing or weeping
Would make it icy
As though a sprinter started creeping

After quarreling with your beewi(wife)
Balancing yourself is an art
Read a novel, sing song or watch TV
Do something to comfort your heart

Fears and tears
Sometimes we may allow
But there should also be cheers
To make our life mellow

We know not the what and when of a feeling
But entertain not these guests for long
For they may damage us beyond healing
And make our life forlorn

Reason walks hand in hand with passion
Like neocortex and amygdala
Never be servile to intellect or emotion
For life then would lose its tala

by Nagore Rumi