
Monday, October 19, 2015


What are the remains of this wordly life?
Except the thoughts about child and wife,
If there is not another single soul
To think about our sugar bowl-
Filled with sweet thoughts and remembrance,
Then what is worth of worldly appearance?!

Nothing we had when we were born,
Nothing we take when others mourn
On our departure from this sandy earth
Which may for sometimes stand beneath
The hundred thoughts and hundred worries
Of modern man as he buries.

Tombs of dead may not be looked at
For people forget him, and remember his hat.
This is the present world that we should understand
Remains of life, also buried along with him in sand.

But some memories will never die,
Beneath every heart, it doth lie;
Past may be filled with fears,
Or it may be filled with tears.
Old and gold far off things
Brings happiness to the offsprings

Sufferings may be lot
And cheerful days may be short.
But some memories will never die,
Beneath every heart, it doth lie.
We do get childish pleasure,
When we bring those thoughts back, our leisure.


Suhaina Mazhar
(13 வயதில் எட்டாம் வகுப்பு படிக்கும் போது எழுதிய ஆங்கில கவிதை ..)

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