
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tamil Nadu Floods: Extraordinary examples of Muslim relief workers

By Abu Namara

A Hindu family in Chennai has named their newly born baby as Yunus in tribute to a Muslim savior.

As one of several brilliant instances of humanity seen in the recent floods in Chennai and in other parts of Tamil Nadu, an MBA graduate Yunus saved Tuesday a pregnant lady of Urapakkam locality in South Chennai where the flood waters were flowing above human heights and helped her admitted in time for safe delivery. As homage to this rare act of benignity, the parents named their child on the messiah who selflessly came forward and salvaged the mother in her dire need.

Mohammad Yunus.Photo courtesy Facebok

Chitra and Mohan, a Hindu couple of the flooded area, was stranded due to torrential rains like other 400 families of the locality and the rescue teams mainly based on Muslim activists remained engaged to look for their safe refuge somewhere. The couple’s first priority was not a proper shelter but a safe delivery as labor pains instantly perturbed it besides the proverbial deluge. And, there was a philanthropic soul like Yunus to assist them in the arduous hour.

The naming of the child would be taken as strange, since it is a girl child that came in the world yesterday but Yunus is anyway a masculine name to denote her.

Yunus and his friends were using social media in their rescue operations in places where attempts to get help from various agencies failed. This team of youngsters brought boats for rescue, even when boatmen were reluctant. Yunus even opened up two of his flats to people in distress.

There are pouring reports from the flood affected areas that many Hindu families were given shelter in mosques.

In a Facebook message a Qatar-based expatriate informed the world that his family back home is safe under the roof of a Chennai mosque. According a leading Muslim organization, more than 500 families of all sections are given retreat in many mosques of Chennai.

Mosques like Triplicane Labbai Jamaath Masjid, Dharma Kidangu Mosque, Hafiz Ahmad Khan Mosque, Bahram Jung Mosque, Casa Verona’s Mosque, Makkah Masjid, Masjid Mamoor, Masjid­o­Anwari, Thousand Lights Mosque and Triplicane Big Mosque have provided asylum and food to the victims of the natural calamity.

A news portal quotes a unique experience of the president of TMMK and Ramanathapuram MLA of MKK, professor MH Jawahirulla, who said that volunteers of his organization had recently saved a Hindu family from a residence which was under water, and took the family members immediately to a hospital. The head of the family bowed his hands and requested them after thanking to forgive him. They wondered why a person should apologize them for saving him. On asking, the man confided that the residents of his area were not allowing any Muslim for which he felt regretted on seeing this selfless act.

The TMMK had also selflessly worked at the time of a devastating Tsunami in 2007 and helped the victims of all sections. Abdul Rashid Agwan, a well known social worker of Okhla area and part of a relief team at that time, recalled a strange incident when he visited the Tsunami affected areas of the east coast. At one village, which had sway of RSS activists, a Sarpanch told the team that the RSS volunteers did not turn up for their help even after a month of the calamity whereas Muslim volunteers associated with the TMMK instantly rushed to their help and consequently the villagers didn’t allow RSS activities in the village thereafter. Agwan informed Okhlaheadlines that many mosques in the entire belt turned into relief camps like presently for the flood victims.

In a country which is debating today on different shades of ‘intolerance’, such acts of altruism give a distinct message.
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