Sunday, December 29, 2019

BYE BYE 2019 / Welcome 2020!

BYE BYE 2019
Before I finally say goodbye to 2019
I would like to say
to each and everyone of you.
For the impact you had in my life
Specially for those who sent me email,
You have enriched my year!!
I wish you all a magical
Festive Season filled with
Loving Wishes and beautiful thoughts.
May your coming year mark the beginning
of Love,
Happiness and Bright Future.
To those who need someone special,
may you find that true love.
To those who need money,
may your finances overflow.
To those who need caring,
May you find a good heart to care for you.
To those who need friends,
May you meet someone who will also
enrich your life.
To those who need life,
May you find God.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Greatest Love Story

A sneak into the realms of  ancient Arabia
There lived the noblest woman of that area
A successful and flourishing entrepreneur
A symbol of  elegance and ethical demeanor

Her tradings were in a situation too critical
It was difficult for her in a society so patriarchal
She looked for a man to handle her affairs
A reliable person with no false graces and airs

She entrusted her business to a trustworthy caretaker
A man known for his truthfulness, 15 years younger
 A trip abroad, he made her business grow manifold
His sincerity and dedication appealed her to behold

This woman of 40, who was the most sought after
Had turned down every prominent marriage offer
She had ceased to tread that road after being widowed
She had no desire to love again or to be loved

Friday, October 11, 2019

Last Muslim King in Spain: 'These are the Keys of this Paradise'

It was the moment which set Spain on a course to become the greatest power in early modern Europe. On January 2, 1492 Abdallah Muhammad bin Ali, or Muhammad XII, known as Boabdil, the last Moorish sultan of Granada and head of the Nasrid dynasty, surrendered his city and handed over the keys of the Alhambra to the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. The Christian rulers had approached Granada accompanied by the cardinal of Spain, Francisco Cisneros, and a brilliant retinue of courtiers and noblemen, among whom was Christopher Colombus.

All the Christian royalty and knighthood wore Moorish dress, brocade and silk tunics and the waist sash or marlota, in a gesture of apparent respect, a visual statement to placate, reassure and suggest commonality. In reality, it was more an act of insolent appropriation and absorption of what was Moorish by the enemy. It was a gesture that epitomized the aggressively hostile ethos of the Reconquest, which manifested itself in a latent desire to usurp and eliminate that culture and religion. That desire finally became a reality in 1609, when all Moriscos or converted Muslims were expelled from Spain.
Boabdil rode out to meet them, departing from the Gate of Seven Floors at the Alhambra, down steep slopes offering magnificent views of the city he was about to leave forever. At this official, public surrender of Granada to the Christian enemy, Boabdil handed the keys of his city to Ferdinand, and was  recorded as saying in Arabic: “God loves you greatly. Sir, these are the keys of this paradise. I and those inside it are yours.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dua (Prayer) of Fasting


Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Dua (Supplication), Fasting (Sawm), Prayers (Salah), Ramadan Values: Spirituality Channel: Ramadan Views: 447837

\The following dua (prayers) are recited at the beginning and end of the fast to indicate and affirm the intention of the fast.

A person's intention when fasting, is to bring him/herself closer to God.

The purpose of making an intention before every deed is to remind our inner self and confirm with our verbal intention that we seek the pleasure of God in our all actions.

Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 1

  وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Master.Dr.Nagore Rumi - Tips for a happy and successful marriage life

Mr. A S Mohamed Rafee [Nagore Rumi] & Mrs. Naziha Rafee are beautiful souls who share a divine bonding with each other. Dr. Nagore Rumi shared with us, his pleasant experiences of his wife serving him a cup of tea alarmed by her intuition even at mid-nights. He explains in his book that when the vibrations of the husband and the wife are in sync, we don't need a verbal communication. He explained that his wife has served him tea going by her intuition not just once but thousands of times.

On one occasion, Master.Dr.Rumi told proudly that his wife is the secret of his success. On 28th of August, 2016 (Sun), "The Happy Zen" team was delighted to present them the "Best Couple Award" for their unconditional love towards each other.

Below are some tips given by this lovely couple for those who wish to have a happy and successful marriage life.

Monday, February 11, 2019

When the time arrives It all arrives

Semmal Manavai Mustafa
After being a teacher for
Indian Medical Graduates
(SRMC) (SSSMC) and
Indian Engineering Graduates (Biomedical) (Anna University)
For the past 15 years
My Journey moves on to Arabia
Students have always been
My Best Friends
I will be virtually available
Planning to Make and release
25,000 Medical Educational Videos
Over the Next 20 Years.
I need time. Resources.
The Blessed Land of Saudi Arabia
Will give me them
In abundance.
This video was made by
My students
I am able to Feel the Love
Love You All My Dear Students

Thursday, January 10, 2019

you can listen to world wide radio even without headphones உலக வானொலி கேட்க முடியும்

Now you can listen to world wide radio even without headphones!!! This is from Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) when you click the link, you can see the globe rotating. There are green dot on which you simply touch you can start listening to live radio from that place. Try your local radio!!
Simply Amazing!!! 😃Proud of OUR ISRO,
Keep Sharing..
இப்போது நீங்கள் ஹெட்ஃபோன்கள் இல்லாமல் கூட உலகளாவிய வானொலி கேட்க முடியும் !!!
நீங்கள் இந்த இணைப்பை கிளிக் செய்யும் போது இந்திய விண்வெளி ஆராய்ச்சிக் கட்டுப்பாட்டு அமைப்பிலிருந்து (இஸ்ரோ) இருந்து வருகிறது. அந்த இடத்திலிருந்து நீங்கள் வானொலியைக் கேட்கத் தொடங்குவதைத் பச்சை புள்ளிகள் உள்ளன
 பச்சை புள்ளிகள் கிளிக் செய்யும் போது உலக வானொலி கேட்க முடியும்
 ஆச்சரியம்! நமது ISRO,


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