Somu CA, Ravindra S, Ajith S, Ahamed MG. Efficacy of a herbal extract gel in the treatment of gingivitis: A clinical study. 1. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2012 Apr;3(2):85-90.
BACKGROUND: Chronic gingivitis is the most prevalent in all dentate animals. Regular methods for controlling it have been found to be ineffective, which have paved the way for the use of herbal products as an adjunctive to mechanical therapy as they are free to untoward effects and hence can be used for a long period of time. OBJECTIVE: The antigingivitis effect of a gel containing pomegranate extract was evaluated using a 21-day trial in patients with chronic gingivitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients participated in this randomized clinical study, carried out in four phases of 7 days each over 21 days. The patients were randomly assigned to four groups: First group was treated with mechanical debridement and an experimental gel and the second group with mechanical debridement and a control gel; the third group wasn't subjected to mechanical debridement and only experimental gel was used. The fourth group was treated with control gel only. All the groups were subjected to various clinical and microbiological parameters to evaluate the antiplaque and antigingivitis effect of the pomegranate extract. RESULTS: The group which used the pomegranate gel along with mechanical debridement showed significant improvement in all the clinical and microbiological parameters included in the study when compared with the other three groups. CONCLUSION: Hence it can be concluded that the pomegranate gel when used as an adjunct with mechanical debridement was efficient in treating gingivitis.
Source :
Sunday, June 30, 2013
SMVEC workshop pics...
May peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon us all..
The company I belong to, Bistate Systems, conducted five days onsite training program (or workshop) in VLSI DESIGN, recently, at one of the popular educational organizations of Pondicherry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (SMVEC). This workshop, in which, I trained the students of Instrumentation & Control Engineering (Third year) on the basics of VLSI Design, is a part of Industry-Institute interaction on knowledge sharing.
Response from the students was very encouraging and positive (All praise to the Almighty). I thank the management, teaching staff & the assisting staff for the excellent hospitality provided. The workshop went like this, technical sessions with practical knowledge along with competitive assessments. Certificates were provided on the basis of ranks secured at the competition. Here are some of the pics of the moment...
The company I belong to, Bistate Systems, conducted five days onsite training program (or workshop) in VLSI DESIGN, recently, at one of the popular educational organizations of Pondicherry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (SMVEC). This workshop, in which, I trained the students of Instrumentation & Control Engineering (Third year) on the basics of VLSI Design, is a part of Industry-Institute interaction on knowledge sharing.
Response from the students was very encouraging and positive (All praise to the Almighty). I thank the management, teaching staff & the assisting staff for the excellent hospitality provided. The workshop went like this, technical sessions with practical knowledge along with competitive assessments. Certificates were provided on the basis of ranks secured at the competition. Here are some of the pics of the moment...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Ridding Oneself of Jealousy, Hatred, and Resentment
Mohamedali, Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings !
Most of us live our lives with feelings of hatred for certain people and also feeling jealous of what Allah has granted others in provisions of this life. Such feelings not only rob us of our peace within but also hurt us both in this life and the hereafter. As part of our personal purification efforts so we may please Allah and to live a more peaceful life, we have to work on cleansing our hearts of such feelings and emotions. The post below summarizes sayings of the prophet (s.a.w.) and mentions a story of a person whom the prophet refered to as a person from the people of paradise while the person was still living.
Don't miss the story and the advice of the prophet about this important matter.
As such a disease is quite common in this day and age, please forward this to others as well.
Click on the link below to read this important article.
Ridding Oneself of Jealousy, Hatred, and Resentment
Monday, June 10, 2013
Miffed over Modi, Advani quits all posts in BJP
New Delhi : A day after the BJP appointed Narendra Modi to lead it in the next Lok Sabha election, the veteran L.K. Advani Monday quit all major party posts after accusing most of its leaders of pursuing "personal agendas".
After failing to persuade the BJP not to elevate the ambitious Gujarat chief minister, Advani, who helped the party to grow from an also-ran into a powerful entity in the 1980s, hit back by resigning from the national executive, the parliamentary board and the election committee.
In a stinging letter to Bharatiya Janata Party president Rajnath Singh, Advani, 86, said he found it "difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party or the direction in which it is going".
The three-para letter made no reference to Modi, who for years enjoyed Advani's patronage, but its tone made it evident that the resignation was linked to the chief minister's elevation at a party meet in Goa Sunday.
The decision to name Modi head of the election campaign committee would have made the Gujarat chief minister -- the BJP's best known Hindutva icon -- its virtual face in the 2014 Lok Sabha election.
Advani, who led the BJP in the 2009 Lok Sabha battle which it lost, kept away from the Goa national executive meet citing poor health.
"For some time I have been finding it difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party, or the direction in which it is going," said Advani, increasingly overshadowed in the BJP by second rung leaders.
New Delhi : A day after the BJP appointed Narendra Modi to lead it in the next Lok Sabha election, the veteran L.K. Advani Monday quit all major party posts after accusing most of its leaders of pursuing "personal agendas".
After failing to persuade the BJP not to elevate the ambitious Gujarat chief minister, Advani, who helped the party to grow from an also-ran into a powerful entity in the 1980s, hit back by resigning from the national executive, the parliamentary board and the election committee.
In a stinging letter to Bharatiya Janata Party president Rajnath Singh, Advani, 86, said he found it "difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party or the direction in which it is going".
The three-para letter made no reference to Modi, who for years enjoyed Advani's patronage, but its tone made it evident that the resignation was linked to the chief minister's elevation at a party meet in Goa Sunday.
The decision to name Modi head of the election campaign committee would have made the Gujarat chief minister -- the BJP's best known Hindutva icon -- its virtual face in the 2014 Lok Sabha election.
Advani, who led the BJP in the 2009 Lok Sabha battle which it lost, kept away from the Goa national executive meet citing poor health.
"For some time I have been finding it difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party, or the direction in which it is going," said Advani, increasingly overshadowed in the BJP by second rung leaders.
Friday, June 7, 2013
You Will Like To Know.
The Secret of Superiority
The Secret of Superiority
Sahl ibn Sa’d (radi Allahu anhu) reported: “Gabriel (alaihis salam) came to the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and said, ‘O Muhammad… know that the honour of the believer is in the night prayer…’” [Fiqh-us-Sunnah]
The greatest strength of a Muslim is his one on one communication with his Lord; the Lord of all creation – Allah the Magnificent.
The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) were never defeated on the battlefield. In one of those instances, Heraclitus, the defeated Emperor of Byzantium, rebuked his soldiers:
“Shame on you! What sort of people are those with whom you have just fought? Aren’t they human beings like you?”
“Yes, Your Highness, definitely they are human like us.”
“Alright then, who is greater in number; you or they?”
“Your Highness, we are superior to them in every respect.”
“So why are you defeated whenever you face them?”
Monday, June 3, 2013
by mthago
Allah has created us because He wants us to love Him. Allah gives us many orders to be followed by us with the intention only to please Allah until Allah is pleased with us. Allah orders us to love Allah, those who are loved by Allah and to love all the other creations of Allah. Allah has never order us to hate anyone, any race or any religion. Who are the peoples who are loved by Allah? The peoples who are loved by Allah are those who obey all the orders of Allah with the intention only to please Allah until Allah is pleased. How would we know that Allah loves a person? The peoples who are loved by Allah are those who have the quality of humbleness or tawa’dhu. Allah is Great. There is no one who is Great except Allah. A person who thinks that he or she is great is a person who is away from Allah and not loved by Allah. A person who is humble or tawa’dhu will have good characters. A person, through who, good come to other peoples is a good person. A person who always does good to other peoples, even to those who do evils to him or her is a good person. Good or bad comes only from Allah. Allah showers His blessing to the entire mankind through a man whom Allah has chosen to become the mean to spread His blessing to the entire mankind. The persons who are chosen to be the mean to spread the blessing of Allah to the entire mankind are known as the Prophets. Prophet Muhammad is one of the men who is chosen by Allah to become the mean for Allah to shower His blessing to the entire mankind and to the other creations of Allah. Allah has mentioned in the Quran with the approximate meaning; we have not sent you oh Muhammad except as a blessing to the entire mankind. What is mean by the words; a blessing to the entire mankind? The blessing to the entire mankind means is the correct lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad saw, which when practiced by the entire men, will ensure men to have a life of blessing which is full of happiness in this world and the hereafter.
Good or evil come only from Allah. There is no one who is able to give good and evil except Allah. Allah does only good. Allah never does any evil or bad action. Good or bad comes only from Allah. Allah gives good when men are doing good action and Allah gives evil when men are doing evil action. Wars that exist between men are evil and the evil come from Allah. War and peace come from Allah. Allah is the one who gives peace to men and Allah is the one who gives war to men. Allah is the one who gives good and Allah is the one who gives evil to men. What men should do in order to make Allah gives good to them? Men must do good actions then Allah will give good to men. Good actions are the mean upon which Allah will give good to men and evil actions are the mean upon which Allah will give evil to men. Allah is the one who gives good or evil to men. Allah decides to give good or bad to men according to the actions of men. Men are given the choice either to do good or to do bad actions. When men choose to do bad actions, Allah will give men the permission to do evil actions. When men choose to do good actions, Allah will give men the permission to do good actions.
Allah has created us because He wants us to love Him. Allah gives us many orders to be followed by us with the intention only to please Allah until Allah is pleased with us. Allah orders us to love Allah, those who are loved by Allah and to love all the other creations of Allah. Allah has never order us to hate anyone, any race or any religion. Who are the peoples who are loved by Allah? The peoples who are loved by Allah are those who obey all the orders of Allah with the intention only to please Allah until Allah is pleased. How would we know that Allah loves a person? The peoples who are loved by Allah are those who have the quality of humbleness or tawa’dhu. Allah is Great. There is no one who is Great except Allah. A person who thinks that he or she is great is a person who is away from Allah and not loved by Allah. A person who is humble or tawa’dhu will have good characters. A person, through who, good come to other peoples is a good person. A person who always does good to other peoples, even to those who do evils to him or her is a good person. Good or bad comes only from Allah. Allah showers His blessing to the entire mankind through a man whom Allah has chosen to become the mean to spread His blessing to the entire mankind. The persons who are chosen to be the mean to spread the blessing of Allah to the entire mankind are known as the Prophets. Prophet Muhammad is one of the men who is chosen by Allah to become the mean for Allah to shower His blessing to the entire mankind and to the other creations of Allah. Allah has mentioned in the Quran with the approximate meaning; we have not sent you oh Muhammad except as a blessing to the entire mankind. What is mean by the words; a blessing to the entire mankind? The blessing to the entire mankind means is the correct lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad saw, which when practiced by the entire men, will ensure men to have a life of blessing which is full of happiness in this world and the hereafter.
Good or evil come only from Allah. There is no one who is able to give good and evil except Allah. Allah does only good. Allah never does any evil or bad action. Good or bad comes only from Allah. Allah gives good when men are doing good action and Allah gives evil when men are doing evil action. Wars that exist between men are evil and the evil come from Allah. War and peace come from Allah. Allah is the one who gives peace to men and Allah is the one who gives war to men. Allah is the one who gives good and Allah is the one who gives evil to men. What men should do in order to make Allah gives good to them? Men must do good actions then Allah will give good to men. Good actions are the mean upon which Allah will give good to men and evil actions are the mean upon which Allah will give evil to men. Allah is the one who gives good or evil to men. Allah decides to give good or bad to men according to the actions of men. Men are given the choice either to do good or to do bad actions. When men choose to do bad actions, Allah will give men the permission to do evil actions. When men choose to do good actions, Allah will give men the permission to do good actions.
Sunday, June 2, 2013

You are the child of our hard work
You are controlling the world as network
You are as soul as rainfall to earth
You have given coins as your birth
You are root of wealth focus
You are acting as token of status
Workers are running behind you
Beggars are too watching upon you!
Wars are being ignited for getting you
Economic competitions are being produced by you
Darken age has been reverted by you
As the God faith is defeated by you
Zealotry is the creation of you
Even though we like you like crazy
But you are not being caught very easy
While we don’t like to be with us
You are coming quickly with bliss
Where did you get this magic?
I can’t understand your logic!
You have put on dress of greed;
And have impressed towards need
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