Tuesday, February 1, 2011

After Egypt, How Will the Dominoes Fall?

(Credit: CBS)
In the 20th Century, the phrase "domino effect" brought to mind the spread of communism to vulnerable states.
Today, a popular anti-government uprising in Tunisia has turned that phrase on its head, as protesters throughout the Middle East have begun rising up against their governments in support of more democratic reforms.
Once Egypt's populace became inspired by events in Tunisia and rose up against the 30-year reign of President Hosni Mubarak, news and political pundits took to the airwaves, guessing who will be next. The truth is, no one can possibly know, just like no one knew that an enraged Tunisian fruit vendor from a rural town who lit himself on fire in frustration against government policies would inspire millions to take to the streets in protest of government policies and economic duress.
Below is a list with information on the major countries in and close to the Middle East region, many of whom could be vulnerable to popular uprisings similar to those in Tunisia and Egypt.
Special Section: Anger in the Arab World
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