Saturday, August 21, 2010

MASHA-ALLAH - Makka Clock................

by  mail fromfarook ali

من المقرر أن يبدأ التشغيل التجريبي للساعة مع بداية الأسبوع الأول من شهر رمضان القادم 

Scheduled to begin trial operation of the hour with the beginning of the first week of next month of Ramadan

The clock reflects a goal by some Muslims to replace the 126-year-old Universal Time standard — originally called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) — with Makkah mean time.  

Time (GMT) — with Makkah mean time. Saudi Arabia will test what it is billing as the 
 world’s largest clock in the holy city of Makka  during Ramadan.

Muslims worldwide face during daily prayers and is part of Saudi efforts to develop the city visited by millions of pilgrims every year.

Three-month test run will start during the first week of Ramadan.


Anonymous said...

Salaamu Alaykum,

Audhubillah, these ignoramuses busy themselves with such foolery. Only heedlessness would lead people to built such a monstrosity in Makkah Mukarramah, birthplace of our Beloved. Truely distasteful and in a time when the ummah suffers around the world. Discraceful.

Zain Christopher said...

As salaamu Alaykum,

Audhubillah, these ignoramuses busy themselves with such foolery. Only heedlessness would lead people to build such an monstrosity in Makkah Mukarramah, birthplace of our Beloved. Truly distasteful−and in a time when the ummah suffers around the world simply for something to eat. “But our Holy City has the world’s biggest clock!” Disgraceful.


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