This post is dedicated for my friend Um Elbanat...

هذه التدوينة مهداة للصديقة أم البنات
فكل طفل مميز مهما كان
و قد قمت بكتابة قصة قصيرة حقيقية عن طفلة مصابة بالتوحد
سأقوم بنشرها عن قريب
(This entry is dedicated to a friend or girls
Every child no matter how distinguished
And may have written a short story about a real child infected with autism
I will post them soon)
I received this film copy from a house officer doctor -Dr Mostafa- ,thanks a lot. I encourage all visitors to watch this high quality film.How medicine can be applied simply through art and media!
NB: House officers are junior recently graduated doctors, white coated masses usefull for....harmful for.....If you are a doctor you will know!
- He has dyslexia !!!! but no one in his family or school knows!!!
- How many kids in Arab world has neurological or any Psychiatric disorders. However, we do not know? We are dealing with them as different , idiot, bad, or naughty boys!!!
- Scientific Background (from Wikipedia):
- There are many definitions of the disorder called dyslexia but no consensus.
- Early primary school-age children
- Difficulty learning the alphabet
- Difficulty with associating sounds with the letters that represent them (sound-symbol correspondence)
- Difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, or counting syllables in words (phonological awareness)
- Difficulty segmenting words into individual sounds, or blending sounds to make words (phonemic awareness)
- Difficulty with word retrieval or naming problems
- Difficulty learning to decode words
- Difficulty distinguishing between similar sounds in words; mixing up sounds in multisyllable words (auditory discrimination) (for example, 'aminal' for animal, 'bisghetti' for spaghetti)
Film interactive web site
To download
Source :
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