Wednesday, March 24, 2010



a) Yoga should preferably be done under expert supervision 2-3 times per week.

b) In case you know Yoga, we suggest that the following 'asanas' be included in your programme.
c) Each Yogasana is repeated 2-3 times except serial Nos. 1, 14 & 15.
d) Persons with back problems should avoid serial Nos. 2, 4, 10 & 12.
e) Persons with Cardiac problems, HBP, etc. should avoid serial 4 and 5.
f) This programme will not only keep you fit, but is also beneficial for those persons who have high B.P., respiratory problem, mental strain, head - aches, digestive ailments, back problems, joint problems, etc.


1 . Stand warm up for Pawan Muktasana series.
2. Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) Effect - on full body including heart and circulation.
3. Ardh-halasana (30, 60, 90 degrees, double leg raises) Effect - on abdomen, legs, back reproductive organs.
4. Sarbangasana (Shoulder stand) Effect - on brain, nervous system, thyroid, circulation.
5. Halasana (Plough pose) Effect - on spine, nervous system, back, lungs.
6. Matsyasana (Fish pose) Effect - on chest, neck, thyroid, lungs.
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Effect - on lower back, reproductive organs, lungs, spine, chest, abdominal organs.
8. Salabhasana, (Locust pose) Effect - an buttocks, legs, hips, constipation, gas, digestion, etc.
9. Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Effect - on abdomen, digestion, legs, back.
10. Naukasana (Boat pose) (V sit-ups) Effect - on spine, abdomen, chest, etc.
11. Bakrasana (Half spinal twist) Effect - on spine, fat on waist, gas, digestive organs.
12. Paschmottasana (Sitting toe touch) or Padahasatasana (Standing toe touch) Effect - on digestion, spine, legs.
13. Trikonasana (Triangle) Effect - on spinal nerves, waist, digestion.
14. Pranayama (Deep breathing) 10 rounds each.
a) Anulome / Vilome - alternate nostril breathing, and
b) Kapalbhatti. . - belly breathing Effect - on lungs and respiratory system.
15. Shavasana (Corpse pose) - as often as required. Effect - on physical / mental relaxation.


GYM EXERCISES / WEIGHT TRAININGWeight training is basically for strengthening and building up the muscles. An all-round programme must have some stretching and cardio-vascular exercises as well. In addition, weight training loads the bones thereby strengthening and protecting against osteoporosis. The points to keep in mind in weight training are as follows:
The ideal weight training schedule is on alternate days i.e. 3 days a week with a complete rest on weekends.

The systems of training different muscle groups on different days, may be good for competitive sportsmen. The best system for non-competitive sportsmen is to exercise the entire body in each session. The major muscle groups are: Upper body - Shoulders, Arms, Chest and Lower body - Back, Abdomen, Legs.

Suppleness and stamina can also be built up through weight training by following a body builder-type schedule. Weights are also used to stretch muscles, build muscular endurance and cardiovascular stamina by repeating each exercise by using lighter weights with more repetitions.

If repetition are too easy, the weight used is too little. And in case it is not possible to complete the repetitions, it means the weight carried is too heavy.

A repetition is one complete exercise movement from the starting point to finish and then back again to the starting point. A set is a group of repetitions of the same exercise. Therefore, for the upper body 8 repetitions is one set. For the lower body, 15 repetitions forms one set.

We prescribe three sets of exercises for each muscle group. However, several systems of weight training prescribe different repetitions as well as different sets.

posted by எம்.ரிஷான் ஷெரீப் at Read full artileM.RISHAN SHAREEF COLLECTION OF ARTICLES. -

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